Using Lincoln County's Online Search

Records available on line:
All documents recorded as of one week from the date of recording.

Questions, Comments or Problems Available on this system:
Consolidated Index: Includes all recorded land records, agreements, etc. from 1993 to present.
Old Index Books: Includes land records, maps and grants from 1769-1992.
These records are broken down by date range.

Use these simple search rules for accurate results pertaining
to searching our old index books


Indexes are filed under set-out names.  Set-out names are common names such as Smith, Jones, Jonas, Dellinger, etc.  Businesses, firms, corporations, banks, churches, schools, etc. are also indexed under set-out names.  If you are unable to locate a specific name, (set-out name) then search for the type of business
you’re looking for.  Example Banks, Schools, Churches, etc. When searching partnerships, there are only three books, 2, 3, 4 and the index is page "0". When searching the procession of land, the index is book 1, page "0".


Register of Deeds Inquiry System

Personal Information Notice - NCGS 132-1.10(g)
Effective 12/01/2005 (1 page in PDF format - 109kb)

For other county websites click here: North Carolina Association of Registers of Deeds

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