Because of its importance, let’s work together to create an awareness of how important the DD Form 214 is to our Veterans and their families and how important it is to be recorded at the Register of Deeds Office. Recording the DD-214 is a free service. Once recorded, certified copies can be obtained by Veterans at NO COST.
To help make sure that your DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) has been recorded and protected, we are partnering with local businesses to offer discount services to those Veterans who present a Veterans “Thank You for Your Service” Discount Card. A list of participating businesses can be found below and is updated regularly. If you are interested in obtaining a Veterans “Thank You for Your Service” Discount Card, please bring your original DD Form 214 (or a certified copy) and a current driver’s license or other government-issued photo ID to our office between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). Veterans whose DD Form 214 has already been recorded in Lincoln County will only need to bring their current driver’s license or other government-issued photo ID.
Click here for a list of participating Businesses
View and download the sponsorship form
We invite you to join the growing list of businesses that are showing their appreciation for Veterans through this special program. You will be given a poster to display in your business showing your customers and our Veterans that you are a participant in our Thank you for your Service Program. Additionally, your business will be on the list given to Veterans when they obtain a card and listed on our website. To join the many others who are participating, please submit the Sponsorship Application Form. Once completed, it can be faxed to (704)736-8830 or emailed to
register@lincolncounty.org .
Thank you for supporting our Lincoln County Veterans!!
Disclaimer: Our “Thank You for your Service” Photo ID card is issued for the purpose of demonstrating a person’s eligibility for discounts and related benefits from private businesses. It is not acceptable for determining a person’s actual identity or residency by a governmental official. It is NOT issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, nor does it create any entitlement to VA benefits. It entitles the bearer of the card to be eligible for Lincoln County Veterans Discount Program benefits from participating businesses.